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Asset Reconnaissance International

Accurate As-builts Everywhere

ARI is for Exterior



Construction and renovation projects often include an exterior component. An added drive-thru window needs a new drive-thru lane, or a hotel's lobby renovation requires upgrades to an entrance's surroundings.  An architect needs surrounding buildings placed in a survey to adhere to local density by-laws.  Or perhaps only the exterior is required, when a School Board needs to plan for new portable classrooms, or a landlord needs to re-configure a parking lot.


ARI can create an accurate as-built site plan that locates all of the detail you might need.  Items such as fencing, furniture, curbs, signage, trees, etc. are located by triangulation using lasers.  Relative elevations points are added to determine slope.  We can deliver reliable plans for small sites to properties of several acres.


Note that ARI is not a Licensed Land Surveyor, nor do our services replace those of a Licensed Land Surveyor.  ARI site plans are not meant for locating property lines, subdividing property, excavation plans, etc.



- As an architectural practice that predominantly designs additions and renovations for clients, we always seem to be scrambling for existing or as-built drawings.  Most owners are not vigilant enough to maintain existing floor plans and elevations of their buildings.  As a result, we utilize the services of Asset Reconnaissance International to masterfully create accurate and detailed floor plans and exterior site plans that have helped us enormously on many of our projects.  ARI has become an invaluable asset to our practice.


Mark Nawrocki - B.Tech., B.Arch., OAA, MRAIC

Principal - Mark Nawrocki Architect Inc.

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